I've always entertained the belief that if I don't exercise first thing in the morning it won't happen. Mostly, this is true unless, of course, I have someone to train with later in the day. When it comes to weight training though first thing in the morning sucks big dogs balls for me. I'm tired, I lack energy and I'm as weak as piss. Besides the fact that my hamstrings still hate me a bit this morning my neck is really sore. I think from one of the water slides where I got airborne and when making contact again smacked my head backwards into the slide. Neck doms wtf? So, after 25 minutes this morning I bailed and have decided to stick with my morning walk/run and a couple/few days each week after breaky or even later in the day go throw some weights around. Maybe Dave and I could do something together since he's been "having a go" for the past few days. We'll see about that one. I came home and grabbed the camera and went back to take some pics of the gym or what is called fitness here.
I was amused in the supermarket yesterday when I seen this. A stand full of different protein powders and such. I didn't think I'd see this stuff over here. I didn't buy any though (I'm int0 pea protein powder these days, without the added crap) and forgot to look at the price but if my oats are anything to go by I bet they cost a shit load. Can you believe I'm paying $11 for a bag of fucking oats?