I've made it a habit to always carry tissues in my bag when venturing out for the day. I've been caught a couple of times and had to "drip dry" which isn't what I'd call a special experience. I did, today however, experience a new toileting experience. The look on Sofie's face said it all so we went in together giggling like school girls. "I'll go first. You hold the bag." With tissues neatly folded in hand, shirt pulled up and doubled over between boobs, so I could see what I was doing, I carefully took a couple of steps backwards so that I was positioned directly over the target. I dropped my daks, and with one hand held them out of the way, the other hold holding the tissues and Sofie's hand so I didn't slip or fall over in my squat position. When the flow had ceased and a quick blot with my saving grace loo paper I was relieved that it turned out just fine.