Friday, August 20, 2010


God, there's some dumb fucking cunts in the world isn't there? My ex-husband is one of them. I made the overseas call today to discuss the son situation and you know what the fucking knob said? As far as he's concerned if Jason has made the decision to stay at my Mum's then he won't support him financially anymore. You selfish fucking childish arsehole. I don't give a flying fuck what went down. He's your son and I'm of the opinion that you support your children until they reach adulthood and/or are able to stand on their own two feet. He's only 16 and a half and still at secondary school you moron. Hate is a powerful word which I'd rather replace with love but sometimes I hate you so much and wish you never entered my life. I know, I know. Fucking shit about everyone you meet and interact with is for a reason, to teach you something but the only thing you taught me is to recognise a dumb fucking cunt when I see one.