Monday, January 11, 2010


Hey hey you made it. Welcome to the next chapter in the Life of Brian, I mean Shelley Stark. Where to from here? Well, on the most amazing adventure with my family. The story goes mid-way through last year we were heading to the movies with some friends of ours, one of which had just returned from a 2 week holiday in Vietnam with a couple who were previously highly paid executives in Sydney who had had enough and just packed up and left and at that stage had been living in Vietnam for 8 months. I jokingly, but seriously, said to Dave “Why don’t we do that?” His reply “I’d have to leave work.” “So?” Deep down I knew that this was another attempt to escape my problems. I could never have done it back then. I would have eaten my way through the countries and came home obese. Anyway, as time went on we were looking for a change. And as the tables had turned and I had become the easy, laid back, whatever one in our relationship, Dave said I had started to rub off on him and his thoughts were turning to living in the moment more and more. We made an appointment with a lady whose business was called Career Clarity and talked with her about our options and whether or not some of the things we thought of were practical, and in fact doable, with young children. We ran through our objectives, aims and values and came up with three options with for’s and against’s. At that moment we knew which option we wanted to pursue – the overseas adventure! And since we had now thought about it if we didn’t act upon it we would always look back with regret and disappointment that we didn’t have the adventure of a lifetime when we had the chance. And here is where this story begins.