Thursday, March 25, 2010


We're currently renting here in Ashgrove and this lease expires on the 8th May. We had asked the real estate to ask the owners if we could stay longer but as the owners are selling the house they are currently living in were unable to give us a yay or nay. Last week, when I was in a pissed off mood speaking to the property manager, I kindly (not really) informed her that under the legislation we were required to received 2 months written notice to vacate the premise. Guess what turned up by email that afternoon? So, being the organiser and planner that I am have been on the look-out for somewhere to live for our final 10 weeks here in Brisbane. Really the only option was serviced accommodation and today we inspected and were successful on negotiating the price and conditions on the 2 bedroom penthouse at The Ridge on Leichhardt in the city (I'm getting good at this price negotiation stuff - lol). It'll mean I have to drive a bit further to drop off/pick up the kids from school but the traffic will be going in the opposite direction each time so it should be sweet. Actually, I'm quite excited about having a short stint at inner city living. I'll be able to check it all out, without the parking charges. I can sleep a little better now knowing we won't be out on the streets.